Lara owoeye wise biography of martin
Many name is Lara Owoeye-Wise and I come in peace..
Star interview with Lara Owoeye- Wise
Answer:- Lara owoeye -Wise is a very simple, thorough human being, a humourist.
I like to laugh.
Been a bit deflated since learning of this lady's passing in the most tragic way.
I am a Christian, a lover of God and people and children. I am a journalist by profession and a firm believer in the betterment of this great country Nigeria and also an optimist.
I will say that my foray into journalism started when I was all but a little child.
I remember seating in front of my mum’s dressing mirror with my dad newspaper turned upside down in my hands with me saying whatever came to mind in imitation of newscaster I saw in the television. I also, right from that young age, loved to write and read continuously.
When I graduated from the University of Jos, I went to learn the job, I went to the news magazine and I vividly remember being the only female reporter at that point, which was in the perio