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Lymph node position in armpit detox

How to detox your armpits naturally.

How to drain lymph nodes under armpit

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  • How to detox your armpits naturally
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  • 6 Important Ways To Detox Your Lymph System

    Most of us are familiar with the lymph nodes located in the armpits and the groin, and we may also be aware that swelling of the nodes is a danger signal, bu the average person might not be aware of the importance of regularly detoxing their lymph system.

    We know that most of our body is made up of water.

    Part of the water is in the bloodstream, but we have way more fluid in the lymphatic system. Our cells are actually bathed in lymph fluid. Oxygen is transported from the blood vessels to nourish the cells via the lymphatic fluid, and then cellular waste like carbon dioxide, lactic acid and metabolites are removed via the lymph fluid.

    Moving And Breathing

    Our lymph system depends greatly on us moving and breathing.

    That sounds simple, but unlike our cardiovascular system which has the heart as a built in pump, the lymphatic system is made up of channels with no pump.

    When the lymphatic system is flowing freely everything is fine.
