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Jean claude fignole biography sample

The death of Professor and poet Jean-Claude Fignole is a great loss for the country..

Becoming Actors in History

Jean Claude Fignolé was born in 1941 in Abricots, Haiti.

Jean-Claude Fignolé is born in in Jérémie (Haïti), deceased in Founder, with Frankétienne and René Philoctète of the literary mouvement.

  • Legendary Haitian writer and intellectual Jean Claude Fignolé talks about his role in founding the Spiralist literary movement.
  • The death of Professor and poet Jean-Claude Fignole is a great loss for the country.
  • FIGNOLE: I was born in Jeremie and was raised for twelve years in a small village near Jeremie.
  • Jean Claude works to cultivate impact partnerships as part of the company's commitment to ethical finance and corporate social responsibility principles.
  • During the 1960s, he co-founded the Spiralism movement with Franketienne and René Philoctéte. At the height of the authoritarian regime of Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, the Spiralists made an intellectual point of refusing to associate exile with freedom and treating political issues and violence symbolically in their works.

    Although Spiralisme, which rejects realism and embraces disorder, is well known in the Francophone world, little of it has ever been published in English. About the movement, Franketienne says, “Spiralism defines life at the level of relations (colors, odors, sounds, signs, words) and historical connections… Spiralism uses the Complete Genre, in which novelistic description, poetic breath, theatrical effect, narratives, stories, autobiographical sketches, and fiction all coexist harmoniously.”

    Les Possédés de la pleine lune (Demons of the Full Moon) (Paris, Seuil, 1987),