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Actor dean stockwell biography

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Dean stockwell movies list

The year was 1982. David Lynch was in Mexico, in the end stages of preparations for “Dune.” One day, a guy, slim and pale, with intense eyes, showed up at the studio commissary, and made his way over to Lynch.

The stranger introduced himself, saying he was an actor, he loved Frank Herbert’s book, and he wondered if there was a part for him in the movie. Lynch, shaken up by the encounter, apologized and said the movie was already cast.

Then John Hurt dropped out of “Dune.” Lynch remembered the encounter and put out the call, offering the role of Doctor Wellington Yueh to the man who had approached him.

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  • Much later, Lynch confessed to Dean Stockwell, “If I looked a little strange when you walked into the commissary, it was because I thought you were dead.”

    Dean Stockwell, who just died at the age of 85, was not offended.

    He knew a lot of people felt that way. “I thought you were dead” is indicative of just how far out of the business Sto