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Ismet himmet biography

For many years, he lived in monasteries and academies at several places like Yie He Castle, Ying Shan (Nan Wudang) and Wudang Shan to learn from great Daoist masters..

He was the first foreigner to open a martial arts school in Mainland China after having lived there for 10 years as a disciple studying with the.

  • He was the first foreigner to open a martial arts school in Mainland China after having lived there for 10 years as a disciple studying with the.
  • Ismet Himmet has been studying martial arts since After becoming a disciple of the Wudang Xuan Wu Pai, he opened Wudang Deutschland.
  • For many years, he lived in monasteries and academies at several places like Yie He Castle, Ying Shan (Nan Wudang) and Wudang Shan to learn from great Daoist masters.
  • 32 step by step courses and weekly zoom classes packed with detailed information and inspiration Ismet Himmet will teach you his tools of transformation.
  • Ismet Himmet, a dedicated and lifelong martial artist had these ideas since his childhood.


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    • Werde mental stark und geistig stabil

    Du lernst eine verblüffend-einfache und außerordentlich-direkte Selbstverteidigung durch richtige Distanzkontrolle und ausgeklügelte Box- Schritt- und Handarbeit kennen.

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    KURS 2 - Mittelstufe - KICK IS THE SOLUTION

    LERNE mit den Füßen zu fechten, anstatt grob die Beine zu „schwingen“ und auf einen Glückstreffer zu hoffen.


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    Stufe unseren außerordentlich schockierenden Trittstil und erlebe den Unterschied!


    HIER hast du Möglichkeit, deine Fähigkeiten, Techniken und dein Selbstvertrauen auf ein neues Niveau zu bringen.

    Und das auf dynamische Art u