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Ed bakers rotary jig for carvewright forum

I have the Rotary jig from Ed Baker.!

Troubleshooting Rotary Jig Calibration

Description of Issue

Rotary Jig will not calibrate jig overshoots or undershoots the starting mark, doesn’t rotate at all, or continuously rotates without stopping.

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  • Find answers to all your CarveWright support questions with our official tutorials and help desk.
  • EDU 39.17"L x 37.36"W x 30.27"H..
  • I have the Rotary jig from Ed Baker.
  • Developed for knives by Ed Fowler (the tool-making books of Alexander CarveWright, p.
  • Without a successful calibration, rotary carves are likely to fail.

    Possible Causes

    Improper placement of the jig is the most common cause of this issue. Improper mounting of the carving material can keep the the jig from rotating freely.

    Head pressure that is too low can effect the jig’s ability to track properly, as does improper installation of heavy duty traction belts. On some occasions, a defect in the jig or tracking system of the machine can be the cause.

    Troubleshooting Steps

    1. Before placing the jig in the machine, check that the jig rotates freely without any snags or catching.

      If the mounting screws are not seated all the way, the screw-heads can interfere with the can feel this interference by rotating the piece by hand. Simply tighten the screws in to the f