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Julius martov wikipedia

Mensheviks ideology.

Bolshevik leader

  • Bolshevik leader
  • Rasputin
  • Mensheviks ideology
  • Mensheviks and bolsheviks
  • Lenin
  • Martov, Julius

    MARTOV, JULIUS (Iulii Osipovich Tsederbaum ; 1873–1923), Russian revolutionary, leader of Menshevism. Born in Constantinople, where his father represented the Russian Steamship Co.

    and trade companies, Martov was the favorite grandson of Alexander *Zederbaum, the Hebrew writer and founder of Ha-Meliẓ, but his father, Osip, was a conscious assimilationist. Active in revolutionary student circles in St.

    Petersburg, Martov was arrested and exiled to Vilna, where he worked from 1893 to 1895 in the Jewish social democratic organization (which in 1897 became the *Bund). In a programmatic address (later published as A Turning Point in the History of the Jewish Labor Movement), Martov urged the creation of a "separate Jewish workers' organization to lead the Jewish proletariat in the struggle for its economic, civil, and political emancipation"; it would use Yiddish as its language of agitation and champion "equality of rights for Jews."

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