Primal scream therapy merlin
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Cool comes in many forms. In the case of Primal Therapy, cool means unorthodox, controversial, and powerful enough to ruffle feathers after 40 years. None other than Dr.
Arthur Janov himself chimes in as we dig deep to explore one of the Ten Coolest Therapy Interventions.
First off, Primal Therapy is the name of the modality, Primal Scream was the name of the 1970 book where Janov claimed mental illness can be eliminated by therapy that involves experiencing and expressing repressed pain from childhood.
Sometimes this results in screaming, sometimes sobbing, whatever it takes to express the hurt.
2 years ago more.
The decibels don't matter as long as clients access and express these raw, early emotions. Why is this so important? Take a look at this:
"The number one killer in the world today is not cancer or heart disease, it is repression." - from Why You Get Sick and How You Get Well
According to Janov, unexpressed pain and painful memories place undue stress on our psyche and physical bodi