The diversity of life edward o wilson
Pulitzer Prize-winning scientist Edward O. Wilson's classic account of evolution and biodiversity remains as relevant as when first published in 1992.
In this book a master scientist tells the great story of how life on earth evolved.!
The Diversity of Life
View a collection of videos on Professor Wilson entitled "On the Relation of Science and the Humanities"
"In the Amazon Basin the greatest violence sometimes begins as a flicker of light beyond the horizon.
There in the perfect bowl of the night sky, untouched by light from any human source, a thunderstorm sends its premonitory signal and begins a slow journey to the observer, who thinks: the world is about to change." Watching from the edge of the Brazilian rain forest, witness to the sort of violence nature visits upon its creatures, Edward O.
Wilson reflects on the crucible of evolution, and so begins his remarkable account of how the living world became diverse and how humans are destroying that diversity.
Wilson, internationally regarded as the dean of biodiversity studies, conducts us on a tour through time, traces the processes that create new species in bursts of adaptive radiation, and points out the cataclysmic events that have disrupted evol